Competence & Confidence

KZN PSASA Chapter – Blog Post: September Chapter Meeting

Real, authentic, relatable stories that link our humanity.

This month’s KZN Chapter meeting was headlined so powerfully by National Deputy President of the PSASA – Steve Johnson. He shared the “The Art & Science of Storytelling” in a riveting, personal tale combined with helpful tips & learnings about how to construct and tell a powerful, emotive story.

And then Radio Personality, MC and DJ, Styles Mbatha, lived out that lesson by sharing his personal story about persistence, identity, confidence, and overcoming personal hardship, leaving no dry eyes in the room.

At the PSASA we are all about speaking but we are also all about people, our shared humanity, learning, growing & forever evolving ourselves as speakers, as people.

The talks were centered around the values of Competence & Confidence. The event was well attended, with a healthy balance between members and visitors.

The next KZN Chapter meeting is happening on Wednesday 23rd October.

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