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Who are you not thinking of?

Who are you not thinking of?

In the bustling world of professional speaking, we often focus on content and delivery but overlook the diverse needs and preferences of our audience. We unintentionally exclude and alienate, using phrases like "hey guys" or "ladies and gentlemen," and our slides or terminologies may be inaccessible to some.


If we are not being consciously inclusive, we are leaving ourselves open to unconsciously excluding our audience members, leading to diminished power and reach of our message.


At #PSASA2024 Joanne Lockwood will help you to:

Learn to identify common pitfalls in public speaking that can unintentionally exclude and alienate diverse audience members.

Develop skills in creating slides, terminology, and delivery methods that resonate across cultures and communities, including considerations for the queer communities, neurodivergent individuals and those who are hard of hearing.

Acquire strategies for using inclusive language, metaphors, and cultural references that engage rather than isolate, building a rapport that transcends barriers.


Joanne is The Inclusive Culture Expert at SEE Change Happen. She is guided by the mantra "Smile, Engage, and Educate," She specialise in Inclusive Cultures, Nurturing Belonging, and Equity. Leveraging a rich background in IT/STEM and now focusing on HR/People consulting, She works globally to empower organisations to foster positive people experiences.


As a member of the LGBTQ+ community she talks about Inclusion, Belonging, Inclusive Leadership, Allyship, and Inclusive Recruitment best practices leading to Positive People Experiences where everyone can thrive for who they are.



19-21 April 2024

The Capital on The Park, Sandton, South Africa

If you’re a PSASA member, you still have until the end of March to buy your Convention ticket at the best available price!




Professional Speakers Association of Southern Africa, Victoria Mews, 27 Mare Street, Howick, KZN, 3290