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How sharp is your cultural intelligence?

How sharp is your cultural intelligence?

If you want to effectively connect with audiences across the world, your cultural intelligence needs to be on point!


At the upcoming PSASA Annual Convention (19-21 April 2024 in Sandton, South Africa) you will learn how to hone your cultural intelligence from one of the most trusted experts in this highly specialised field.


Buhle Dlamini is a fellow with the Cultural Intelligence Center in Michigan, USA, and he holds a Fundamentals of Strategy Certificate from Harvard University in Massachusetts, USA. He beat the odds to meet iconic leaders like Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu, work with youth in Germany, USA, and the UK and become one of the top South Africans (now based in Canada) on top global stages today.

If you’re a PSASA member, you still have until the end of March to buy your Convention ticket at the best available price!




Professional Speakers Association of Southern Africa, Victoria Mews, 27 Mare Street, Howick, KZN, 3290